Acceptable Use Policy

Wiselancer is a great platform that enables people to share and enhance the knowledge. People share knowledge when they feel safe and our platform is the safest one. Individuals share their point of view at Wiselancer that is really helpful for others. Here are some rules that will make your experience safe and amazing

Be Respectable:

This policy allows you to engage with others in a positive way. Our aim is to create a platform of people from different backgrounds, opinions, and beliefs so that they share their knowledge. You can agree with their opinions and thoughts, but in a respectable and nice manner.

No Hate Speech:

Wiselancer totally condemns hate speech on individual or group, based on ethnicity, political group, racism, religion, gender, or nationality. Be neutral and respect everyone’s religion, gender, and ethnicity.

No Bullying and Harassment:

Bullying or any kind of harassment is not allowed. In case of any harassment, Wiselancer has the right to block and remove data. Your content should be neutral and effective.

Respect Others:

Identity and Deceptive Activity:

Your Wiselancer profile should contain correct information and should follow our privacy policy. Creating multiple profiles without authorization is the violation of Wiselancer’s policy.

Intellectual Property and Personal Rights:

Don’t post any data or information that invades any personal or property rights of others. If you are copying someone’s content that you should mention its source.

Respect the Wiselancer Platform:

No Spam:

Don’t use Wiselancer to attract or post spam.

No Malicious:

Do not contribute malicious, viruses, and other malwares that harms the working of Wiselancer. Follow proper authentication measures or security. Any unlawful activity or act will be considered as the illegal acts.

Abide by Other Wiselancer Policies:

It is important to follow Wiselancer’s other policies, which may change or add from time to time.

Reporting Issues:

As a user of Wiselancer, if you see something illegal, unlawful, or anything that violates our policies and guidelines, please report it as soon as possible via our platform. If you violate our policies and guidelines, we have the right to block your profile or remove your content.