Privacy Policy

For Wiselancer, your privacy really matters and we are really serious about it. Our Privacy Policy highlights our procedures and policies regarding the use of our platform, data, disclosure, personal information, and other relevant things. This Privacy Policy relates to activities by Wiselancer, its affiliates, and subsidiaries.

The Info We Collect:

We collect info or data direct from third-parties and individuals through the Wiselancer platform.

Account and Profile Info:

When you create your profile and account on Wiselancer, we collect all necessary information about you from your name to address, contact info, and other information. Whatever you add to your profile will be directly collected such as your photo and other certain information. Moreover, we also collect the information about the questions and answers you post on the Wiselancer platform. The following section explains what data we collect from your credentials.

Your Content:

Whatever you post on our platform is your property but we collect the information and data of the posted content. They may be your questions, answers, comments, photos, or everything in between. All your information including questions, answers, comments, and photos will be visible to general public. For more info, you can read our Terms of Service.


When you connect with people or communicate (via email, third-party or any linked network) we may store your data.

ISP (Integrated Service Provider) and Linked Networks:

You can link your Wiselancer account with third-party networks such as Google or Twitter. You can also choose to sign up or sign in to the Wiselancer platform through a third-party linked network. When you sign up from a third-party linked network, we may collect your information and account info from that network. These linked networks will also available on your Wiselancer account so that people can easily find. We can also collect your information from third-party linked networks to populate your account on Wiselancer. We do this just to make your experience better on our site and you connect with people you want to. Moreover, you can also disconnect your Wiselancer account from linked networks at any time. For payment purposes, we may also collect your information and data from the Integrated Service Provider.

Automatically Collected Information:

In order to collect your information automatically, we use various technologies like cookies, pixel tags, storage objects, and log files. With these technologies, we track your searches, activities, page views, and communications. We also collect the information such as IP address, browser language, location, mobile carrier, and referring URLs when you use Wiselancer platform on your mobile or computer. For more information, check the Tracking, Pixels, and Cookies section below.


We also collect your browsing info like IP address, date & time, Wiselancer cookie, user agent, location, URL, time zone, and other info. We also collect info about third-party activities that you make on your Wiselancer account. We may also collect info about you from our affiliated organizations, companies, partners, and third-party users.

How We Use Your Info:

It is very clear that we do not sell or exploit your personal information for any purpose. We collect data to make our site a safe and secure platform for users so that they can learn from each other. Here are some reasons why we collect your personal information:

Offer Our Services:

We use your data to make our platform available for you. We can respond to your queries when we have your data. We collect your info to provide our services, troubleshooting, and customer service.


We use your data to provide complete personalization to our users such as display of content, to recommend followers, location customization, and instructions, to aid others to see or find your profile. The purpose is to enhance your experience on the Wiselancer platform.


To show you interesting ads in the Wiselancer platform, to enhance advertising, to prefill forms in advertisements, and to collect the new ads, we use your data.

Promotions and Marketing:

To send you special offers, newsletters, news, promotions, and other marketing services, we use your data to display products and services from third-parties that we think may attract you.


In order to better understand how Wiselancer users can access and use our platform, we gather analytics. It also includes new products, services, ad services, and personalization.

Fulfill the Law:

To fulfill the demand of law for business administration purpose, we may collect your personal information.

Prevent Misuse:

In order to keep illegal activities, misuses, and frauds at bay, we collect your data to better understand you. We collect your data for your safety and prevent the risk of violation.

How We Share Your Info:

Service Providers:

We may give your information to third-party providers who perform our services like payment process, customer service, support providers, consultants, auditors, and advisors.


We may share your personal information with our partners, affiliates, and other linked networks for sale, transfer, merger, or any other service.

Business Transfers:

For business transfers or purposes, we may disclose your personal information. You can further read about this section in our Terms of Use.

Legally Needed:

In order to tackle any legal issue, we may use or disclose your personal information.

Protection of Rights:

Just to fulfill any legality or comply with law, we may disclose your information. We use your information in case of risk prevention, investigation, protect the rights, or safety.

Your Content and Public Info:

Your personal information is available for the users of Wiselancer and may also be displayed publically. Your content is also visible to public and we have the right to remove or disclose at any time for any reason.


We may give metrics, statistics, and reports to our publishers and advertisers to show them who are watching their ads, information about demographics, and users’ interest. However, we do not provide your personal info and IP address at any cost. We also provide opportunity to advertisers and publishers to use pixels.

Aggregated Data:

We may give de-identified information to third-parties for analytics, marketing, or research purpose. But, they can’t identify a specific individual by provided information.

As Suggested by You:

In order to complete a transaction, you can allow us to share your data.

Cookies, Pixels and Tracking:

We and our affiliated providers use GIFs, log files, cookies, and local storage to collect your browsing activities automatically. For more information you must read the following section,

  1. Cookies: are small files that hold special identifier transmitted to your browser through our sites. They give information about users who are logged in that shows how users use our site and personalize content.
  2. Pixels: are small graphics with special identifier. They are similar to cookies and help to track the movement of users on our website. We also use pixels in our emails to know that when they are opened or forwarded.
  3. Analytics Tools: We use various analytics tools such as Google Analytics. We collect information about users with these analytics tools when they log in through a third-party network.

Do-Not-Track Signals:

Please keep in mind that we do not track signals or change system behavior within the Wiselancer platform. However, you can disable this tracking by third-parties.

Ads and Personalization:

We may show ads and personalized content that we have picked via the Wiselancer platform. Advertisers or publishers who use our ad service may give information about users who are watching their ads. We do not share their contact information because we do care your privacy.

Third-Party Ads:

We may work with affiliates and third-parties to display their ads on our platform. They may use log files, JavaScript, and cookies for tracking and personalizing. In short, third-parties can use Wiselancer platform for displaying their ads according to our policies.

How We Protect Your Info:

We are fully responsible for the security of your personal information. Wiselancer has imposed safeguards to protect your information that we receive. But, no internet transmission and website is fully secure. We recommend you to set a strong password and maintain your login in and log out activities. Close your browser when you are finished using our platform. 

Access and Amend Your Info:

You have the complete right to access and amend your account information whenever you want. You can also make other adjustments according to your choice.

Your Choices:

You can decline our services if you don’t want to use them. You have the right to control notifications that you get from Wiselancer. You can also change privacy setting. Here is some information that you should know,

Anonymous Posts:

If you don’t want to show your information, then you can post content anonymously. It includes both questions and answers. In this scenario, your contact information or name will not be visible.

Your Content:

You may delete, edit, or post anything on Wiselancer platform. Whatever you post such as questions or answers, they will be visible to other users. If you delete something from your account, it will be removed within a second.

Adult Content:

You can elect whether to receive adult content or not from your Wiselancer profile’s settings.

Notifications and Emails:

When you create an account on Wiselancer and sign up, we will send you emails that contain content that you love to see. You get regular notifications from our website that we think will match your interests. Plus, you can send invites to other friends to create account on Wiselancer. Moreover, if you do not want to receive notifications and emails from our side, then you can go to settings and turn off notifications. Everyone can answer your questions on Wiselancer. But, you can set the privacy setting that who can comment on your post.


You have a right to block someone on Wiselancer if they are bothering you. You can do this by going to your account settings.

Profile Discoverability:

You can adjust your profile setting to restrict or block someone from seeing your account. No one can use your name or contact information.

Spaces and Topics:

You can also change spaces and topics from your Wiselancer profile.


You have a right to change your credentials that are shown in your Wiselancer profile.

Deactivated or Deleted Account:

If you choose “Delete Account” from your account setting, then all your content including account will be deleted from Wiselancer. No one can see you after that and it is not restorable. If you just “Deactivate Account” then you will stop receiving notifications, but your account will remain available of Wiselancer platform. You can easily reactivate your account.

Children’s Privacy:

Anyone who is under 13 can’t register on the Wiselancer platform. If you are under 13 then you can use our platform with your parent’s consent. In case of violation, we have a right to block your account.

Links to Other Sites:

The Wiselancer platform may have links to third-party websites. Well, we are not responsible for such practices. 

We Don’t Sell Your Information:

We may disclose or share your personal info with our affiliates, partners, or third-parties, but we do not sell your personal information. Protecting your personal information is our first and most important priority. On the other hand, we don’t collect personal info of those users who are younger than 16.


Wiselancer will not discriminate against you. So, you can freely use our platform if you agree to our terms and conditions and privacy policy.

Contact Us:

If you have any query in your mind, feel free to contact us at any time at You can also send us email.

Changes to Our Privacy Policy:

If we change our terms, conditions, privacy policy, or terms of use, then we will notify you on our website. We have right to change our privacy policy at any time for any reason. Moreover, we may personally inform you about those changes through email. For this, we may collect your personal information like your name, email ID, or contact information. You have right to fully opt out or discard those changes.